For Randy McSorley
A man in a hat two sizes too big began to play the guitar. It was a guitar his father had given him. It was painted orange with a red stripe on the back. This was the only guitar he had ever played. A few people stopped to listen to him. He played a song about love, but it was also a song about being lonely. Soon there was a small circle of people, and then a stadium, and pretty soon he was the most popular guitar player on the planet. Everyone was talking about the man with the hat two sizes too big who played an orange guitar. He kept playing the same song over and over. Everyone heard it differently, everyone said it was about something it wasn’t. He never really noticed all the people. He was too busy playing his song.
Andrew McSorley
Andrew McSorley is the author of What Spirits Return (Kelsay Books). His poetry has appeared in journals such as The Minnesota Review, HAD, Poet Lore, and many others. He is a PhD student at the University of Southern Mississippi and you can find him on twitter @andrew_myron.